Spooky Times at the Winni P!
It's opening night of the New England Premiere of Joe Simonelli's THE GHOST IN THE MEADOW, which will kick off a month of scary offerings at the Winnipesaukee Playhouse. I love working here, and this time has been no exception, (as crazed as I was trying to keep up with classes and family and such, all happening in different states. Coffee is sacramental. I need a spa and a cleanse, Universe!) If you're in New Hampshire this weekend (where the leaves are turning! They're turning!) come get the creepy-crawlies with the Legend of the Forsaken Boy, as told by an exceptionally charming cast on the coziest of sets designed by Dan Daly and lit by Becky Marsh. This city kid who, like the characters in the play, dreams of escaping to upstate farmhouses wants to crawl into their room...and live there...foreeeeever.